It is right that the world should be reacting to President Trump, America, if you like, decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel, with collective indignation.
And yet, this reaction is unlikely to benefit the Palestinians, who, like those Jewish people from all over the world .
Who are of the belief that Jerusalem has some sacred meaning for them, and who see the controversial establishment of the SoI, as their home, also has a legitimate case for the creation of a viable Palestinian State for themselves.
The case for the modern State of Israel reminds me of the quest of the Rastafarians of Jamaica, for a home in Ethiopia.
With some of them moving there, only to find that they were not as welcomed as they might have expected.
And why should they, with their ancestors having been taken away from Africa several hundreds years ago?
And so it seems to me, that people should have citizenship of the countries in which they were legally born, and not be turfed here and there like a leaves being buffeted by the wind or the tide.
We see this happening, in probably the most recent case of its kind, to the so-called Myanmar Muslims.
With the Myanmar authorities stipulating that they are not Burmese, but Bangladeshi. And why are they being categorised as 'Bangladeshi?
Is it because they are 'Muslims', so-called 'Rohingya Muslims?
Is it because they originally came from what has now become the country of Bangladesh, but was previously part of Pakistan, which is a country which has been carved out of what was India?
Yes, where will it end, once we continue to make the issue of citizenship so complicated and machiavellian, simple because of our desire to keep other humans out; unless they are rich and powerful?
Thus the slippery road on which the so-called 'Biblical or history' premise on which the modern State of Israel is based.
The belief that all the Jewish people of the world have an inalienable right to a home country in Palestine. That their god has made them a deal in offering them this land.
So, suppose you are a Jewish atheist or a person who is not Jewish and do not believe in the god of the Jewish people, or, for that matter, in any god?
To be continued.
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