Well, probably not, because, as I have already noted, the United States of America supports the State of Israel unconditionally.
Secondly, the Americans are not generally known for offering Israel's governments judicious advice. And will either not criticise Israel's injurious actions towards the Palestinians, or asserts that the country has the 'right to defend itself.'
Irrespective, it seems, of however much force it chooses to use. Making no distinction between where 'defensive actions' end, and offensive and excessive punitive military action begins.
And, thirdly, Israel's governments, especially those which include right wing, conservative, orthodox parties, have a tendency not to listen to the advise of the Americans, and/or the Europeans, for that matter.
And, finally, the Americans have no incentive to pressure the State of Israel into negotiating a mutually beneficial and peaceful and just settlement with the Palestinians.
Why? Because they are probably getting all that they want from the relevant states in the Middle East.
Good, strong economic, trading and strategic relations with the Saudis, the UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, and with the Sunni-Muslim countries of the world.
Appraising its current relations with the countries of the Middle East, and thinking strategically, the United States, not being a country which is imbued with the spirit of 'fraternite, equalite, and liberte.'
Is not going to see any significant and obvious material gains, in advocating justice for the Palestinians, and actually taking effective steps to bring it about.
Well, alright, then, that much is obvious, based on the outcome of America's 'honest brokering' of the conflict, to date.
All of which loudly proclaims that the Palestinians, the Arabs of the Middle East, the Muslim peoples of the world, are mistaken, if not foolish and lazy, in expecting the Americans to judiciously resolve the Palestinian-Israeli crisis.
In this respect, then, it is probably surprising that the world, and Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims in general, should be so shocked by President Trump's Christmas present to Benjamin Netanyahu.
So, if not the Americans, what about the Europeans, including the British, who have done so much to help to create the current crisis.
What about them taking the lead responsibility for bring about a just and rational settlement of the crisis?
Well, here again, that is something which is not going to happen. Because of a number of reasons.
The first probably being the religious affinity between Judaism and Christianity. The second being the fact that the European establishment, governments, feel that they owe it to the State of Israel to not place any serious pressure on it, however great the provocation.
As a quid pro quo for their centuries of anti-semitism, and failure to prevent Hitler and his Nazi's Holocaust.
To be continued!
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