Sunday, 17 December 2017


Well, probably we should be asking ourselves the question of, why would any predominantly Muslim country or group of such countries want to do that? 

What would be their motivation or incentive? Would it be about the plight of the Palestinians, and/or about the religious and historical status of Jerusalem, of Al Quds? 

Would it be about the 'rights of an occupied and oppressed people'? Or about 'helping our Muslim brothers and sisters' in their struggle against 'those Jews?' 

About protecting one of the holy sites of Islam. About the ' Islamic historical and religious' claim to Al Quds, in much the same way as is the religious and historical claim of the Jews?

In other words, reinforcing the debacle as one about religion and god, instead of focusing on the human rights of the people whose daily lives, whose present and future has been imperilled by the catastrophe.

So, what about the predominantly Muslim countries of the world
taking a lead in bring about negotiations to bring an end to the crisis? 

With the governments of predominantly Muslim countries being busy oppressing their own people, in general, or simply because they practise another branch or tenet of Islam. 

Why would they care about the Palestinians, except for using them as a political tool?

So, if they see nothing wrong in their unjust actions towards their own citizens. What hypocrisy would lead them believe and undertake the responsibility of helping the Palestinians to resolve their struggle against Israeli oppression?

Which takes us back to the Palestinians, and their responsibility for taking the leading role in the struggle and negotiations to end Israeli occupation and oppression of them. 

For the creation of an independent, sovereign, viable, and stable and secure State of Palestine. 

It can hardly be said that the Palestinian people have been sitting on their hands.  Patiently waiting for external powers, Europe, America, the Arab League, and the United Nations, to liberate them from Israel's punishing occupation and oppression. 

To be continued!

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