Thursday, 21 December 2017


If, I sometimes ask myself, I continue to retreat from these agreements and play less of a role in the regional, international and global organisations which have become an essential part of international affairs. 

Will other nations, yes, such as the rising giant of the East, China, not advance and occupy the economic, trade and commercial grounds from which I have retreated? 

Of course they probably will do so. Although, in the case of the Chinese, it is my fear that they will overtake us, regardless of whether America retreats, or whether they have to engage and displace us.

It probably is a sign of greatness, that I, Donald J Trump, should have invented the concept of 'greatness through disunity and division.' 

Although our 'mother country', that formerly Great Britain', has also, by embarking upon the process of Brexiting from the European Union. 

Also declared its intention to become 'great again', by, as it were, breaking away from the European Union and going it alone.

Strange, I have never thought about it like that before. You know, in a joined up, logical and reasonable fashion. The kind of way you might expect a President to do.

Probably what I am trying to do, for America and the great people of America, the people who have such great love for me, is not to make America great again. 

You know, not to make it into an imperial or colonial empire, but to make it a strong nation again. Strong like Germany, not to rule the world. 

But just to keep those nations which we and the west, and, of course, Israel, believe to pose a risk to our economic and geo-political interests.

Yes, countries such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, and North Korea.

I have my plan, of how to make America First. Of how to make it great again. I know that many people in the world, especially the snobs, think poorly of me. 

He is mad they think to themselves, even daring to speak it out loudly. Donald Trump is a mad man. 

To be continued!

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