Thursday, 18 January 2018


So, what does death, the death of others, teaches us, if not to contemplate on and prepare for our own pending demise? 

If not to be more mindful of the need not to waste or spend too much of our precious and limited time  multiplying the level of unhappiness, frustration and misery in the world. 

Instead of spending it bring more happiness and joy to the society of humans?

Sometime ago, I wrote a post about a dear friend of ours, whose personality became affected by illnesses.

A condition which not only distorts the perceptions and interactions of the afflicted, with the objective world. 

But also how they are then seen by others and the negative impact it has on their relationships with other people. Including their loved ones and their families.

For those of us whom others might consider to be idealist, it seems fair to say that we do not delight in seeing and watching people. 

Friends or strangers, suffering, withering away until they die from whatever degenerative diseases have taken hold of them.

And so it was, that, with the passing of our dear friend at the end of 2017, it was met with a sense of relief and sadness. 

Relief that our dear friend is now no longer having to suffer the pain fate had fated them have to suffer. 

And relief that we, who, although mostly vicariously, do not have to suffer from watching our dear friend continuing to struggle with carrying the painful burden anymore. 

Relief that our dear friend is now freed from the burden of having to live a life which which has deteriorated to bringing all of us much pain. 

And relief for us who are now freed to carry on living our lives, until our time has come.

But sadness that we had now lost the physicality, the flesh and blood, living and vibrancy of our dear friend. 

That she is no longer here in person to reinforce and renew the good and happy memories and experiences we have shared and continue to have of her. 

Of the good times we have spent together with her, some of us more than others.

To be continued!

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