Sunday, 7 January 2018


They would have a more variable and accommodating prism with which to perceive and interpret the world. 

Be more open to being influenced by what is and what could be, than by only the prescriptions of their religious dogmas. 

Definites and absolutes would now be replaced more with human possibilities and potential. There would now be more of an interaction between their inner and outer worlds.

The faithful, were they to acknowledge the truth, which, indeed, many do know, but have consciously decided to deny.  

Would have to also acknowledge the nakedness, the absence of genuine clothing on their religious faith. If they were to be honest and bold enough to accept 'the truth.

And not place so much faith on the mysticism of the ancient rituals, and purported and misinterpreted pronouncements of the ancients.

Why? Well, probably because of both the profundity and the seemingly futility of 'the truth'

After all, what is or could be this truth which both the faithful and other humans have been searching for since us humans have evolved to become a sentient species? 

Yes, simply this: how did we get here? How did our universe and the multiverses came about? Is there a God?

All of which our ancient ancestors, at different stages of their/our evolutionary stages, have attempted to answer and institutionalised by various societal rituals. 

Such as those which have given rise to Christianity, including the myth of Epiphany.

So, the truth has nothing at all to do with 'the love of God for all humans.' 

Especially considering that, beyond the fable about such a God sacrificing his 'only begotten Son' for the sins of his human family, there is no evidence of God having displayed any love, or other emotions for humans.

To be continued!

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