Thursday, 4 January 2018


Muslim women, the 'politically correct' and, yes, libertarian arguments go, should have more freedom in deciding how they live their lives, what they wear and how they wear it and conduct themselves. 

Muslim men,  it goes, should not be so possessive of and oppressive of their women. 

They should let them have their freedom, and do not treat them as their possession. 

Even if, as they might argue, there might be something in what they say about 'protecting' their women' from the prying and wondering eyes and lust of other men. Both Muslim and men who are not Muslims.

And, in order to achieve this 'libertarian' outcome for Muslim women and teenagers. European governments have, over recent years, taken to changing their laws.  

To forbid those women wearing certain types of head and face covernings.

And, on the other side of this 'political correctness' towards traditional Muslim women, we have a resurgence of 'puritanism' towards how western societies treat their women. 

With all aspects of  women's sexuality and how men react towards and  women, being scrutinised and redefined. 

And new expectations, rules and codes of conduct and behaviour being applied to what is, in the first place, deemed acceptable, if not actually lawful, with our elite moral guardians of societal conduct. 

Yes, rather ironically, societies in the western hemisphere might not actually have the 'religious guardians and police of some Islamic countries.   

But the 'pioneer moral puritans' within the West, are working hard to catch up. 

Or, should I say, take us back to the dark ages? The relationship between men and women, male and female, is being  turned into a social, legal and political mine-field. 

To be continued!

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