Because, after all, now is the age of reason, of rationality and equality, and women do not need men to provide for them anymore.
At least, not all women and not to the same extent as in the past. Because women in the west are now 'free.' Free to to leave their home without a chaperone, 'free' to work and earn their own money.
Free to buy and own their own homes, and cars. Free to decide whether they have children, or have abortions.
Free to chose the man or woman they want to have a relationship with. Free to have a child without having to get married.
Free to have a furtive or an overt smile at being paid a compliment by a stranger, on how lovely they look.
Free to tell the provider of an unwanted sexualised comment to 'fuck off', or bugger off, mate.
Free to admire and even lust after the good or 'fit' body of a stranger, without having to feel guilty that they have 'sinned.'
Free to not having to have a religion of believing in god, without being seen as 'a witch.'
Yes, it might well be the case that women have been subjected to sexual abuse, harassment and inappropriate and misogynistic behaviour for centuries, if not millenniums.
But, would the majority of women, as opposed to the 'new puritans', really want to protect women by way of returning them and society to the cattelised past?
Would women really gain more than they would lose? Would it not be a terrible betrayal of all that the courageous suffragettes and human rights pioneers had fought and are still fighting for?
Probably not, since much of the concerns of the neo-puritans about unwanted 'sexualised and sexual comments', about sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual conduct by men, is probably either not as prevalent as the 'neo-puritans' are making it out to be.
Or is not as high on the priority of most women as they might imagine it to be.
But, of course, it is the elites, in this case, the 'neo-puritans' who oftentimes have the power to make fundamental changes to society. For good or for bad.
Which is why they and their actions, as well as their hand-maiden, the populist media, has to be taken seriously.
Considering that, the most potent tools of the ruling elites, or those who aspire to rule the masses, are the complacency, indifference, and/or mob-instinct of the majority.
Humans are not best led by the knee-jerk emotional reaction of their leaders, but by their carefully evaluated actions and informed decisions.
The struggle for greater equality and freedom for women to have more influence over and determine how they live their lives, is an on-going one.
It is one which women in the West have made greater advances in, than is the case in the less 'enlightened regions of the world.'
There is a balance to be struck between allowing men and women the freedom to conduct their relationships with a certain amount of liberality.
And the State intervening to make prescriptions about what is and is not 'legal', and criminalising behaviours which are not necessarily harmful.
A puritanical State is as bad, if not worse than the harshest of dictatorships, be it secular or religious one..
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