Could it be that Ms Haley and President Trump want these poor oppressed Iranians - as much as they would want for the poor and oppressed Palestinian people - to have 'freedom' from poverty?
From not having any jobs, from poor housing and social infrastructures? Well, probably not.
Not when you consider that President Trump and his Administration, including the now dubious humanitarian and human rights advocate, Haley.
Are ardently looking for and contriving fake pretexts to continue to and/or subjecting Iran to economic sanctions.
Sanctions which have helped to create the negative economic and social conditions which have given rise to or help to fuel the current protests and violence.
Hi, Nikki! Any plans for making your first humanitarian visit to Yemen, to advocate on behalf to the thousands of people who are being killed, injured and the millions who are being displaced and starved? Not yet, eh. Oh, well, some other time, eh?
So, what the hell is Nikki Haley wants the Iranian people to have 'freedom' from?
Could it be that she wants them to be 'freed' of their elected leaders?
To be 'freed' of the 'democratic process' which is responsible for putting the current Iranian government in office. Just as how it is responsible for putting the present Republican government in office in the United States?
Could it be that Ambassador Haley and President Trump are inciting the mobs amongst the Iranian protesters to overthrown their government?
And replace it with a regime which would not have 'freedom' from American, Israeli and Saudi interference?
Is Donald Trump and Nikki Haley advocating 'freedom' for the people of Iran, or are they trying to trick them into vassaldom?
There is absolutely no doubt that it is not 'freedom' which Nikki and Donald are advocating for the Iranians, but it is serfdom.
They want to make the Iranians into being their 'house niggers.' Their slaves or captives. Just as Israel is doing to the Palestinians.
They do not care for the Iranian people, beyond the extent to which they and Iran can and could be used to serve America's and Israel's geo-political strategic interests.
This is a proposed embrace which would spell the death of Iran as a free and independent country and people. It is the opposite of what Haley and Trump are projecting it to be.
It is an offer which only Iranian traitors would welcome and embrace.
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