While still remaining financially attractive to investors, by providing them with the probability of a reasonable return on their investment.
Somebody has to pay the cost, and, just as with the profitability of companies in the private sector, the losses should also be fairly spread.
No probability of profits or a fair return on investment, will mean no investment.
And no investment will mean no provision of the required services. Or the provision of some of those services by the public or state sector, entirely from taxation.
There is really no point in placing the private sector in the stock and stoning it. That would only place a greater responsibility on the public or state sector to provide more goods and services.
Which it could probably only do with increased efficiency and the application of more 'private sector principles and models', including production for profit.
The the better future lies in a mature and equitable partnership between the private sector and the public or state sectors of our society.
The British government - including the opposition - is yet to demonstrate that it has taken this on-board. They need to address this urgently, if they are to avoid other Carillions.
As do the trade unions, whose members depend on both the private and public sectors for their and their families livelihoods.
The unions, like the British Labour Party, would be being irresponsible, if they, like the current government, was to take the Pontius Pilate approach.
Dismissing the collapse of Carillion as nothing to do with them.
And attempt to use it as another stick to beat and demonise the private sector, and decry the validity of businesses making a reasonable profit from their investments.
All, government, opposition, unions and society, need to work together to find mutually satisfactory and viable solutions to these challenging problems, because all are inter-dependent.
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