Sunday, 28 January 2018


To the leaders of the more overtly corrupt and money making charlatans who exploit the the faithful in the more traditionalistic and tribal communities. 

The gullible Christians who take their religious beliefs too literally for their own good. Those who have become too wedded to the principle and practice of what we could call 'titheism.'

t is very likely that it is not only within the Christian clergy and church were corruption and sexual abuse is to be found. 

There is nothing to suggest that any society is free of corruption and abuse of different kinds, including sexual abuse, social injustices, and the exploitation of humans by other humans. 

It follows therefore, that all institutions within all societies, are likely to have a certain amount or level of corruption and abuse of power by those who wield it, at the various hierarchical levels. 

By this kind of reasoning, we should find these 'evils' in all religious faiths. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhaism, et al. 

All will be found to be imperfect and to be wanting, in some way. 

The only differences might be the kind of and amount of corruption to be found.  Depending on how tolerant or intolerant the host society and/or religion is towards it. How much it has become 'legitimised' and 'acceptable.'

Of course, if, and it definitely seems to be the case that corruption and corrupt behaviours are an integral aspect of the human condition. Then, what does this also says of about the integrity of their/our gods and the 'godarchy'?

Might we not also find corruption and corrupt behaviours amongst the gods?  Especially considering that they are entirely dependent upon fallible humans to make know to the masses, the faithful, what is and is not in their hearts? 

What is and is not in their plans and aspirations for humanity? If the 'interpretor' and 'transmittors' of the 'message', 'the word', 'the doctrine' and 'the holy texts and scriptures' are themselves fallible, as we well know. 

Then, who and what would wish to credibly put themselves on the line to declare that what is being 'interpreted' and 'transmitted.' Is not as fallible and questionable as the 'elites' who are presuming to intercede between the gods and masses?

Which is why there is this long overdue need for the gods, and what humans have been told are their doctrines, their messages for human-kind.  

To be continued!

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