Wednesday, 3 January 2018


This is not simply a matter of poor and disaffected Iranians challenging their government to better serve the needs of the people. 

It is about geo-politics, about attempting regime change, it is about hostile forces outside of Iran, working with their Iranian collaborators to bring down the government. 

We have already had President Trump saying 'it is time for a change in Iran'. Even though the country has only recently had an election. 

We also have Israel's Prime Minister, Netanyahu, expressing his resolve to confront Iran and working with Trump to bring an end to the Nuclear Agreement.

As usual, in these situations, the true collaborators will only be a small minority, but they are likely to succeed in manipulating a bigger minority to support them, while not declaring their true objectives to them.

All of which is why the Iranian government and people need to work together to bring a swift end to this reckless attempt to destabilise the country. 

And which, if not effectively put down, can only increase and prolong the conditions which some of these agitators might be declaring to be 'the justification' for their destructive actions.

Considered at face value, it does not seem to be the most auspicious start to 2018, for Iran and her people, that there should be these provocative protests and violent actions between a minority of Iranians and the forces of the state. 

And yet, notwithstanding the fact that these attacks against the government of Iran and the Iranian people who support it, are resulting in the deaths of some people. 

A greater tragedy would be for the government not to take effective and efficient action to bring a quick end to this volatile situation, than to act indecisively and allow it to foment. 

That would not be in either the people's or the country's best interest. 

The government of Iran, and the prudent Iranians, have to defeat this reckless challenge to the nation's sovereignty and future stability, security and prosperity. 

The desperation and/or recklessness of a minority, however genuine is are some of the factors giving rise to it, cannot be allowed to derail the building of a country fit for its people.

You do not set fire to the houses of your neighbours because you are homeless. Neither do you burn down your neighbour's businesses and factories, because you have no job and no money. 

Such actions do not make your situation better, although it might satisfy your spitefulness. Find something constructive to do relieve you plight. Work with others, constructively, in helping to address and improve yours situation.

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