Wednesday, 24 January 2018


They function only or mainly in the this moment in time and space.

And so, when we walk along the road, the street, the path and in the woods.  And our eyes and sensibilities are affronted by the sickly sight of the bags of household rubbish, of clusters of empty alcohol and soft drinks cans and bottles.  

Of plastic bags obliterating our path or otherwise incongruously mingling with the green foliage of the woods and the edges of the road. 

Well might we despair, as the answer to this problem is not a simple one.

This problem, which is becoming worse, both in the developed and less developed countries.  Is not one which is going to be solved by simply appealing to people 'sense of pride in their community', or to their sense of civic responsibility. 

At least, not entirely so, as the problem would not be increasing, if such virtues were abundant and increasing amongst the people.

The solution calls for practical remedies, as well. It requires anti-littering laws which are effectively enforced. 

It requires the placing of appropriate rubbish and recycling bins at strategic and easily accessible points near to roads, walking tracks and sight-seeing areas. 

It also requires business, local shops, grocery stores, and fast food shops to have appropriate bins located on their premises.  So that their customers can use them, instead of throwing their rubbish on the street.

It would also be helpful to have soft drinks and alcoholic drinks manufacturers putting a redeemable value on each of their cans or bottles.  

Which can be reclaimed when the the can or bottle is returned to a local shop selling their drinks. 

This would be an incentive for people to collect any bottles or drinks cans which have been discarded on the street or in fields, and return them to get the money for doing so.

Saving the environment, and, ipso facto, ensuring the survival and preservation of healthy human life.  

Is an objective which can only be achieved by both the individual and the collective taking appropriate responsibility for making their contribution. 

Safe and health local environments, collectively, leads to safe and healthy global or world environment.

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