Monday, 29 January 2018


It is time for the Palestinians to 'retooled', re-equipped themselves with new mindsets, strategies and tactics. Which are more suited to help them to realise their dream of having an independent. sovereign, and economically viable Palestinian State.

Until such changes take place and begin to bear fruits, the Palestinians will probably continue to be either ignored and disrespected. 

Even if not as blatantly as the current President of 'Free World', is disrespecting and treating them with great affrontry, in support of his Israeli friends. 

Of course the Palestinians are right in forming the view that America really has no place in negotiating a peaceful and just settlement between the Palestinians and the Israelis? 

How could it be otherwise, after a struggle which has gone on for more than 70 years, and is now bogged down in inertia? 

If the United States has any role to play, then, it is that of playing less of an unconditional supporter of Israel. 

There is no indication that it is ready or, indeed, will ever be ready to play such a role.

For the Palestinians, the challenge for them is to find a viable and successful path through the nightmare which their dream has morphed into. 

So that the world and their supporters do not become completely disenchanted, by the fact that their, the Palestinians' struggle, appears to have become an end in itself. 

With its leaders having become lost in the dream of nationhood, and no longer able to find their path towards making it a reality.

It is time for the Palestinian people to begin listening and empowering those among them who are aware of the fact that their struggle for their sovereignty has become terribly bogged down. 

It has become a way of being, in fact, the way of being; an end in itself. The Palestinians need to take more control of their fate, and prioritise the development of 'the smaller bone' which they have in their grasp. 

And give less prioritisation to realising the 'bigger bone' which is reflected in waters of the future. Development, consolidation, advancement, further development, .... 

We should avoid becoming absolute slaves to our dreams, and be careful not to allow them to lead us into a nightmarish world where they control, and even destroy us. Sometimes, it is better to dream another dream, one which is more realisable, by different means, and still as valid.

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