And it is now time for them to stop being enemies to themselves, and begin the now more difficult process of learning to be friends, to be a family again.
Irrespective of their religious, tribal and political affiliations and belief. To begin to work to unite themselves as one people again.
To return to perennial struggle of humans to live in peace, and not to engage in deadly and suicidal wars, under the pretext of fighting for elusive 'freedom and democracy.'
When living a peaceful and economically viable life is so obviously of greater value than having the oftentimes superficial 'freedom and democracy.'
Which the West is always demanding that other countries adopt, and which it uses to measure their comparative value.
When one would have great difficulty in naming a country where one is able to say, with any great validity, it probably did worth the great slaughtering, maiming and destruction to have the society which this country now has.
So, having nearly destroyed the House of Syria, in an uprising against itself, by its own people, aided and abetted by foreign friends and enemies alike.
It is now time for the Syrian people to come back to their senses. To stop the fighting and bury the hatchet. To begin the long and challenging process of reconciliation and nation building.
This requires the rebel armies fighting in Syria against the government forces and their allies to put negotiate surrendering.
To take back control from the foreign combatants in their ranks. To accept that the war is lost, that they, like the Syrian government, have asked too much of the people, and have not been able to provide them with anything of value.
Only with death, destruction and destitution.
This war needs to end, now, in 2018. The so-called Islamic State, which has conveniently used Syria and her people to further its unspeakable reign of quasi-religious brutal reign, has been largely vanquished.
The so-called Western 'Friends -fiends - of Syria' formed by countries such as the U.S, Britain, France and Sunni countries, have had their fill of this pointless and brutal war.
They now want out. The fortunes of the Syrian government have improved. Thanks to the intervention of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, and the realignment of countries such as Turkey and some of the Arab League countries.
There really is no point to the still disparate rebel groups trying to prolong this dreadful war, in a futile attempt to negotiate some favourable post conflict power sharing agreement with the Syrian government.
That does not seem to be an option which is or will be on offer.
The greatest New Year gift which the rebels could give to the Syrian people, having done their part in causing them such horrendous misery.
Would be for them to surrender en mass, on the basis that their safety be guaranteed. And that free and fair elections take place, within a reasonable period of time.
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