Friday, 5 January 2018


Of course, the advantages and disadvantages of being either a male or female are relative and not absolute. They will vary depending on the event or circumstances which apply at any given time. 

In general, however, it seems accurate to work on the premise that the disadvantages to being a woman, to being female, will tend to be greater than those confronting males.

Probably one of the biggest human attributes, defining the role of females, in society, is that of perceived sexuality, and, more specifically, that of female sexuality and/or sexual objectification. 

The relationship between men, it seems, is predicated upon adversity and competition. 

Whereas the relationship between males and females, are predicated upon attributes pertaining to desire, love, attraction and the aspiration to possess the other.

If these attributes are to be denied, become too suppressed or prohibited. 

Then, what we might be left with, is an evolved 'asexuality' between the different genders. 

A certain sterility, even, as the human species return to the having sex solely or mainly for the procreation and survival of the human species. 

The removal of any aesthetics which now happens to be rooted in the relationship between men and women. 

And, for that matter, any which is and/or is developing in the relationship between men who are attracted to men and women who are attracted to other women. 

A world where, all or much of the flirtations between people who are attracted to each other or who desire one another or one desiring the other, will be seen through the prism of 'puritanical' or 'politically correct lenses. 

Where acts such as a man looking a woman who he knows or does not know and uttering words of endearment, and making remarks which could be interpreted as suggestive or being of a sexual nature, might be forbidden. 

To be continued!

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