Thursday, 15 February 2018


The British government is having a hard time traversing the treacherous voyage which it hopes will take the country, or rather the United Kingdom, to the  promised land of Brexitopia. 

In case you have never heard of this professed enchanted land of gold and golden prospects, fear not. 

Because it has only recently been discovered. Having been concealed under the aspirational and/or delusional world inhabited by a part of the British population which feel that they have been victimised by the European Union. 

A section of the population that perceives - not entirely without some merits - the European Union's attempt at empire building, in much the same way as the American Republicon Party sees government. 

As an infringement of Britain's national sovereignty.
A situation which the elite and activist section of the Brexiteers is trying to redress. 

By leaving the European Union and travelling the world to re-establish old links with some countries and new links with other, in the attempt to, as it were, make the United Kingdom great again. 

Some would say, copying President Trump's mission for the United States, to put the 'great' back into Britain.

And so it was that Britain's Foreign Secretary, the rather 'baffoon-like' Boris Johnson. 

Has recently taken to the Brexit campaign to plead the cause and perceived advantages of Britain leaving the EU and embarking on the arduous journey to Brexitopia. 

According to Boris Johnson, the government would be 'betraying' the British people, or, probably more accurately.  The 52 per cent of the electorate who voted in the Referendum in 2016, for Britain to leave the European Union. 

And whose fete has now been blessed and sacretised with being codified as constituting 'the will of the British people.' 

He also tried to give the British people a sense of false security about the formidable hazards which are confronting them. 

Not only in the negotiations with the EU to secure its divorce or secession from it, but also in how it then go about becoming a 'lone trader' and establishing new trade and custom agreements with countries all over the world. 

All will be well, Boris Johnson would like the British people to think. 

That being British, assuming the 'dunkirk' mantle of old, the 'British Bulldog' persona, they will be able to succeed in boldly going where they have not, on their own, gone for the past 40 plus years. 

That, providing they all stick together and become like one, all will be well, and Britain will be able to go it alone and achieve Brexitopia.

If only it were so, if only it was true, that what he is saying is not just imbecilic propaganda being spouted to bury the unpalatable fact. 

That the quest for Brexitopia is taking the country and the United Kingdom over the precipice, and that you cannot fool all the British people, either some of the time or all of the time. 

Which is why the 48 per centers have not, nor can give up and accept the will of the 52 per centers. 

When it ought to have been obvious that, will such a small majority, the most prudent option would have been to maintain the status quo, and not pursue Brexitopia.

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