A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Saturday, 10 February 2018
According to what we, who do not really know the truth, have been told, so far, Syrian air defence systems have shot down an Israel F.16 fighter plane which was attacking Syrian targets in Syria.
We are also told that the Israeli attack was a response to an Iranian drone having crossed into Israeli airspace. No mention of the drone having carried out any attacks on Israeli.
And, for those who might be inclined to argue that that is a moot point, because, the act of encroaching into Israel's airspace is itself an act of aggression.
It is relevant to bear in mind the fact that Israel is the archetypal encroacher into its neighbours' airspace. It treats Lebanon's airspace as its own, and brazenly invades Syria's airspace at will.
Yes, two wrongs might not make a right, but, with Israel's disdainful approach towards its neighbours, that dictum should not be applied.
Israel should be willing to take as much, or even a fraction of the harm and injustices it meets out to its neighbours.
Israel shot down the purported Iranian drone, but it was not satisfied.
Being the bully it is, it automatically resolved to 'punish' the Iranians and the State of Syrian, by launching an attack on them, which resulted in the loss of the F.16.
And still, not being satisfied and now having sustained somewhat of a bloody nose in its encounter. Israel, again, resolved to up the anti and launch a bigger military offence against Iranian and Syrian targets in Syria.
It is of course likely, that, in terms of material and human costs, these encounters will bear more heavily on the Syrian and Iranian people.
Morally, psychologically and diplomatically, however, they will have cost Israel more. They could also have a positive impact on the prospect of realising a peaceful Middle East.
Why? Because, upto now, Israel, in its actions towards Syria, and its disrespect of Lebanon's sovereignty, has never had to think about its actions.
The least 'provocation' from Hezbollah and Syria, or imaginary offence its takes from any developments it perceives as threatening. It just sends in its air force and use the power of its army.
Israel has stopped using its brain, it has stopped thinking of 'consequences' because it has been perceiving there to be no consequences for itself, only for those who it attacks.
Consequences for oneself, forces one to think before one acts. If Israel does not have to pay a proportionate price for her actions, then it will continue to act irresponsibly, recklessly and with great impunity.
The loss of Israeli's F.16, - and, indeed, the loss of Iranian and Syrian lives - it if causes Israel to reflect on her action, could be a positive turning point in the struggle for peace in the Middle East.
If Israel does not learn prudently from this incident, then it must be made to pay a higher price for any future incursion into Syria.
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