Tuesday, 27 February 2018


Not when by remembering them, we induce in ourselves, a state of genuine or feigned solemnity. And, for those who were related to and or friends and close acquaintances of the dead, genuine grief. 

But, we might still ask ourselves, why remember at all, if it is going to be an occasion of sadness and relived pain, another episode of experiencing our grief, annually? What is the point? 

What is the point, unless the remembrance is going to be a celebration of happy times having being spent with the now departed?

Not so with more joyous celebration, such as that of two people having shared their lives, for better and for wose, together, and having stuck it out in thick and in thin, as it were. 

Say, for example, a man and a woman, having come together, getting married, having children and caring for them and watching them grow up into adulthood. 

Think of the sacrifices, the stresses, the hardships and uncertainties such a couple, in any part of the world, will have probably endured. Doing their bit for the survival of the species? 

The joy they will have experienced from seeing their children being born, and the happiness they will have experienced from watching them growing up. 

Their delight at learning about the external world, acquiring and using knowledge and the skills they have learnt. Of them achieving ergosumness and becoming social sentient beings.

Think, also, of the pain, the heart-felt pain they will have endured, during those times when their children are ill and helpless. 

Think of how powerless and even useless, that couple will have felt, when they find themselves powerless to remove the suffering of their children. 

Imagine the sadness they will have had to endure, as time progresses, and they have to experience the sad loss of friends, family member. 

As they have to endure the quarrels, insecurities and conflicts which can be a part of any relationship. 

As they have to cope with illnesses, theirs and of others they are close to, with uncertainties about jobs, about money, and about having and maintaining their own home. 

And now, imagine that they have endured and survive the travails and joys of bringing their own children to adulthood, so that they can now take on the challenge of doing their bit for the survival of the species. 

And that they are, at this point in their lives, probably a point where, all things being equal.  What might be called a not untimely death, could be beckoning them in 10 or 20 years time.  

But, for now, for this anniversary, ill-wind does not blow in their direction, and they are able to celebrate their union, with a feeling of contentment and happiness. 

Even though there is so much madness within the world, so many others losing their heads, both literally and figuratively.

Imagine, then, if you will, the humility and appreciation that such a couple feel, having been fortunate enough to be celebrating their union of togetherness. 

Being on their way to achieving a higher level of consummation of life than others have. 

Imagine if such a couple were you, and, if so, consider giving praises to fate for having been rather generous with you, so far on your/our journey towards destiny!

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