A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Seemingly like the gambler on a loosing streak, who insist on continuing to gamble in the hope of winning back his losses, so does the failing or failed political leader, like a leech, insists on holding on to power.
Like a rottweiler, he sinks his teeth into the country, and refused to have it prised out of his jaws.
Thereby proclaiming for all, that, his intention to take the country and its people down with him. For such leaders, there is seemingly no differentiation between them and the country they are misgoverning.
There is no limit or boundary between what is theres and what is the people's or the country's.
Like a child who is still at his/her concrete stage of cognitive development, the leech-like ruler sees the country he is supposed to be governing, but is not, like an extension of himself.
Being 'leader', the 'dear leader' or just the 'leader', leading the people to ruin, is his raison detre', his reason for being.
It is the source of his power and his wealth. Giving it up makes, or would make him feel naked. Unclothed and lose his status of being 'the emperor.'
He would feel homeless, vulnerable, and afraid of the people whom he should be serving.
He would lose his sense, his feeling of security, not having the wherewithal to bride his people, the people, so that he can retain their 'bought loyalty.'
Yes, although corruption is a common commodity within all societies, and all systems of government. Be they 'democracies', 'liberal democracies', 'socialism', 'liberal socialism', et al.
For the purpose of this post, I have in mind the emergent leaders of the 'liberated countries' of Africa and the Americas.
Those which have not remained true to, or allow the leadership of the country to be elected by 'free and fair' elections.
Countries like Venezuela, where Nicholas Maduro is being the leech. Countries like the so-called Democratic Republic of Congo, and Egypt.
To be continude!
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