Wednesday, 21 February 2018


The methods with which it has to be fought, will also be different, at times. There will be different priorities in different countries and societies. 

For women in the West, not being subjected to sexual harassment in the work place might be high on their priority list. 

For women in rural societies in the Indian Sub-continent, the Middle East and Asia.  Their priority might be about being able to leave their home without a male relative shadowing them.  

Or being able to own and drive a car, or not having to endure the torture of female genital mutilation. 

Or following barbaric and primitive 'customs' whereby their pubertal daughters are raped, with the consent of their parents, in order to 'purify' them after their first period. 

Or it might be about  their daughters being considered as worthy as their sons to be provided with a good education. 

For women in the West Indies, Africa and South America, it might be about not being subjected to the high prevalence of violence and disrespect from men, which they have become socialised into expecting, and 'accepting as normative.

Considered in the light of some of the 'issues' which some of the more 'extremists' amongst the advocates for women's and female rights are hyping up in the West. 

The real struggle for women's equality needs to be shifted to those parts of the world where it is really a life and death struggle.

The elites leading the struggle for women and female, in general, since inequality is something which can accompanies people throughout all stages of their lives, from a very early age. 

Need to decide what 'equality for them and females ought to look like.' They then need to prioritise it and not making a controversy over 'touchings which makes them feel uncomfortable.' 

Campaigns against 'inappropriate touching', and any attempts which intentionally or otherwise, might unduly regiment the relationship between males and females. 

Making it one which is subjected to excessively moralistic and legalistic boundaries.

They, the elites, need to decide whether they men and women, males and females to become more asexual. 

Whether 'equality for females' mean women having the opportunity to exercise their 'right' to be and behave like and as if they were men. 

Especially as it is probably not the case that the majority of women, of females, want to 'be like men.' Which is not surprising, since the harm which men have already done and continue to do, would simply be multiplied.

They, the ones who are not already experiencing it, probably simply want to be treated fairly and be respected as worthy human beings, who are not being denied the opportunity to work towards realising their potential. 

To have a better balance between the ascribed pseudo 'gender-specific' roles which century of 'traditions' have chained them to.

Females want to be able to assume and exercise their 'rights' to widen their horizons, to be able to see and interact with the world from different perspectives.  

And to help to shape it, in their own image, and not be confined to the 'man-prescribed and ascribed, women-maintained role' they have been imprisoned in, for much too long. 

It is so much more than the fad of 'metoism' and all the other opportunistic social media and probably self-indulgent 'isms.


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