Wednesday, 7 February 2018


But let us not forget or overlook the significance of context. Since, as is the case today, there has never been a time, probably, in the history of humans.  

When  all men aligned themselves against all women, or when some women had not also supported those men who had aligned themselves.  Or accepted the spurious legitimisation of the attribution of an inferior status or position onto women.

Just as how all the white citizens of European countries that were engaging in the slave industries of the West Indies and the Americas.  Were not all beneficiaries of the slave trade, and/or equal and direct beneficiaries.  

So, also, is it the case that all men are not beneficiaries of the suppression, oppression, exploitation and domination of women. 

All genders, men and women, have their own more immediate battles to fight, in what is really a war. 

The poor and exploited working and unemployed men of the past had probably more than enough on their plate. 

Having to struggle to get a job or to keep their jobs, so that they could feed and clothed and housed their families as best they could. 

It was probably understandable that the struggle against the oppression and exploitation of women had to take second place, or lower.  

Just as how women literally were second classed citizens, without any legal rights, which were not invested in their husbands and male relatives.

Today, we see the same thing in black activists fighting for more rights for black people. 

In that they might not want to include or seek alliances with other oppressed groups, such as the LGBT communities, or feminists.  In the belief that, in doing so, they might dilute the focus of their struggle. 

Consequently, they might chose to muster their forces around the banner of what separate them from their  potential and prospective allies. 

Things such as race, ethnicity and skin colour, instead of what they have in common with those potential and prospective allies. 

Namely, being oppressed, being human, and being committed to fight for increased equality.

To be continued!

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