Tuesday, 27 February 2018


Will be influenced, if not determined, by factors such as their ages, whether they were living in rural or urban areas in their countries of origin. 

And the strength of their religious beliefs, and their cultures, customs and traditions.

There is also other crucial factors which will influence, if not actually determine the level of accommodation and assimilation of the immigrant into the mainstream cultural, political and socio-economical life of the host country and society. 

These are factors pertaining to the immigrants' host, whether or not their host is a reluctant or welcoming one. 

Factors such as the reaction of the host to the immigrant, how tolerant or intolerant the host is. 

Whether the host shuns the immigrant and endeavour to marginalise them economically, politically and socially.

The paradox of the immigrant, therefore, is that he/she risk existing in what has come to be called a schizoid world. 

A world in which they straddle two worlds, that of their country of origin and their host country. 

Not living and being able to fully commit to one or the other. Living in the memories and dreams they have about their country of origin.  

While physically living in their host countries, but without 'making it their new home', and treating it as such. Refusing to make the changes and compromises which they need to live a fuller and happier life.

Of course it is or should be understandable why the life of the immigrant can be so tough, contradictory and probably unappealing. 

When he/she is not able to achieve a proper balance in straddling the two worlds which they are existing and/or living in. 

To be continued!

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