Tuesday, 27 February 2018


The fact is that all white South Africans were, under the old laws of the country, seen as having a higher status than other 'races', especially black South Africans. 

Twenty-First Century white South Africans, therefore, either cannot or would find it very difficult to feel 'at home' within the ANC. 

They are likely to feel even more uncomfortable than white South African members of the ANC during the liberation struggle.

All of which are reasons why, despite its one hundred years history, the African National Congress is not the best equipped political vehicle to lead the South African Nation to 'Rainbowotopia. 

It needs to make itself 'a natural home' with which all South Africans can identify. This is the core of all successful nation-building project.

Rather than continuing in its current and old form, and remaining obsessed with the past. Making itself redundant, instead of changing with the times, becoming organic, predicting the future and making itself fit for realising its dream.

Will South Africa' new leader, Cyril Ramaphosa, be upto taking on this challenge? 

Can he do so and do enough to convince South Africans that he has the appropriate plan and leadership qualities to bring them something which better reflects 'Rainbowotopia' than anything they have seen before? 

If he is, then, he might just win the next general election, and becomes the people's President, and not just one appointed by the African National Congress, to replace the deposed Jacob Zuma.

He needs to start by convincing the ANC of the need to make crucial changes. Including to its name, and policies which makes or give the perception of it being 'a black South African political party for black South Africans', and of it being opposed to white South Africans.  

In short, the African National Congress has achieved its purpose, as far as the liberation of 'non-white South Africans' from white domination, political and legal domination, was concerned. 

The 'African National Congress'  now needs to reform itself into a genuinely 'Rainbowised', multi-ethnic political party. 

So that it can become fit to build the more equitable, fairer and better South African nation.  Which was the vision of the ANC, and which it now has the opportunity, the privilege to build.  

Providing it has not turned its back on its vision, having become corrupted by power and the opportunity to 'make money' at the expense of its vision. 

To be able to fight against the economic greed and exploitation of the masses of South Africans, of all ethnic origins, by the economic and political ruling elites. 

Who are comprised of representatives of all ethnic groups. South African needs an reformed ANC, an ANC.2.  

But one with a different name and policies which are fundamentally more reflective and representative of all South Africans.

This, then, is the daunting challenge which confronts Cyril Ramaphosa,  the new government of South African and of the Nation.  

To remove or reduce the significance of the things which separate South Africans of all ethnic, religious, political and economic statuses.  

And make then into one nation, cooperating and making sacrifices according to their ability and capacity to do so, to build the New South Africa of their dreams. It is the challenge which confronts all who commit themselves to building a coherent nation.

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