Friday, 23 February 2018


'The psychology of the evolution of thought, from us conceiving of something to it evolving or developing into something we give expression to by speech, and then realising it into something tangible.' 

Which we can see, touch, feel, and hear, is, indeed, remarkable. It becomes crystalised, no longer a taboo or an impossibility. 

It now becomes a probability, it becomes acceptable to interrogate and evaluate it.

Consider the most recent invention of the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, to effectively address the contagion of gun crimes in that country. 

President Trump's idea is so simple and straightforward, that we could all be wondering why nobody has not thought of, or, probably more to the point, proffered it before. 

Is this a case of Americans having overlooked simple and simplified solutions to a complex problem?  Believing that the answer has to lie in more complex and sophisticated solutions? 

Probably like the $400,000 high tec solution which 'the safest school in America' has come up with?

I mean, what can be so difficult about just arming school teachers and training them on how to expertly use the firearms you have distributed to them.  

To deter and kill any maniac who dared to trespass on school property to attack innocent students? 

After all, what does it take to implement 'this genius' plan, which  has taken none other that man, now made the President who want to make America great again', to come up with? 

Yes, it needs brave teachers, who will, doubtlessly, after the first 'successful' encounter' between a teacher with a gun, challenging a 'bad' maniacal man or youth with an automatic weapon, to become 'A Hero or Warrior Teacher.' 

An HT or WT, if you like. Whom America already have in their tens of thousands. 

And then you need to select from these those teachers who are willing to play or perform the role of 'teacher/defender.' 

What one African-American Trumpist has called 'first line defender' in school. 

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