Monday, 26 February 2018


And then, there is the matter of the demand for all of these new and probably specialised weapons for the 'teacher/protector.? 

From whence will the money come to buy them, to insure them and keep them safe from being stolen by students and others in the school? 

Is this going to lead to less money being spent on educating students, and more money being spent on defensive contingency plans, in case of an attack on the school? 

Is this a situation which is going to place an unfair and very costly burden on all schools and places of learning, just in case some of them find themselves among the unfortunate few which will be attacked?

So, how ironic, paradoxical even, that President Trump's proffered solution to the gun epidemic and gun massacres in the United States of America.  

Should be one which would not result in a decrease in gun ownership and usage. But in an increase in the number of guns being owned by Americans? 

That it should result in the gun and shooting industry making more and not less money? An industry which, like all weapons industries, have a vested interest in ensuring that a climate of fear, of insecurity, of conflicts and wars persists and is hyped up.

How ironic that we should the CEO of the American National Rifle Association, an organisation which reputed spends millions of dollars each year, buying the support of American law makers and facilitating their election. 

Making ridiculous statements about the 'anti-gun' advocates 'shamelessly politicising' the deaths of the numerous students and the injuring of others?

So, what are we to make of President Trump's and Wayne LaPierre's proposal and comment about addressing the problem of their fellow Americans being massacred by other Americans? 

Just this, that neither of them have any desire to seriously address the problem. Their only desire is that the recurring tragic massacres of Americans by Americans should not be being given as much publicity as it is being given.

The fact is that America's core value is a brutal and cold one, which was founded in and still remains in the psychological wastelands of the 17th Century. 

In true Darwinian fashion, America is about the survival of the fittest. You live like a calvinist, impervious to changes or being changed, and with little or no regard to the protection of human lives, except probably your own.  

Of course, the problem with such a philosophical approach, is that the lives of no American is respected or is of any value, as it is perceived of  as belonging to 'the other', by the 'me or us', being oblivious to the the fact that, when perceived by the 'other', 'me and us' then becomes 'the other.' 

Until 'the other' and 'me and us' becomes one, 'the we', there will be no significant and enduring improvement in the tragic situation where Americans declare 'open season killing' of their fellow Americans. 

No wishful thinking, no praying to an invisible and absent god is going to change this reality. Only Americans can, when they decide to do so, and stop being guns-obsessed, change it.

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