Monday, 12 February 2018


As we can see from him now expressing his intention or aspiration to use nuclear weapons as a 'flexible deterrent.' 

Or, more accurately, his intimation that he wants to develop tactical nuclear weapons which the United States can use against her 'enemies', real and orchestrated. 

Probably against North Korea, and, he is indicating, Russia. And so we have the 'doctrine of the deluded', being developed. 

The idea that a nuclear armed state, against which a tactical nuclear weapon is used.  

Will also comply with the delusional theory, that, 'one should only retaliate in proportion to the extent of harm or damage which the attacking state has inflicted on it.' 

Is extremely fanciful to sane people, but, obviously, not the delusional people in charge at the White House.

As we can see from him trying to increase the 'enemisation' of the Russian Federation and China, instead of pursuing the approach of mutual cooperation.

Yes, weird at President Trump's view of the America, of the world which he wants to engineer might be, their is no denying that he has made some progress towards realising it. 

It might be small steps, ones which are not irreversible, as he busily demonstrating by 'de-legacising' his predecessor's 'legacy.' 

But it is still progress, as we remind ourselves that the Great Wall of China was built from scratch. 

Donald Trump has given 'legitimacy' to his vision of America and the world by having gotten himself elected as President of the United States of America. 

The extent to which he will be able to realise his vision, is dependent on his and his advisors ability to inculcate this vision into the minds and hearts of millions of Americans. 

Especially those of the ruling elites, on the one hand, and, on the other, the extent to which he and his advisors can create a corrosive state of political apathy, indifference and alienation within the American people.

This, then, is the challenge for those Americans who believe that President Trump's, as was Donald Trump's vision of the America and world he wants to fashion, is too corrosive, too exceptionalistic, and too divisive and reactionary.

It is very likely that President Trump and his like-minded advisors will not have enough time to transform America and the world into realising their delusional aspiration. 

Not with 2 presidential terms of office being the maximum they can, and are likely to have. 

So, for all those Americans and others who do not share that delusion, there is still everything to be fought for. 

Except that the stakes are now higher, as the peril of underestimating the President's and his advisors' potency and/or toxicity, is evident from them having survived their first year. 

Which means that they have and are learning the ropes of survival; of making the 'abnormal' the 'new normal', inch by inch, if necessary.

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