Wednesday, 21 February 2018


It is not about the purported 200 Russians and dozens of Syrian government forces whom the Americans have killed, in order to protect areas of Syria which the Americans have occupied. 

That, for them, is 'old news', 'boring stuff.' Something 'that happens to other people', and which they have now become immune to.

Neither is it about the greatly increased privation and hunger which the people of Venezuela are having to try to survive.  

As the policies of their President, Maduro, and the reaction of the United States Government, in instituting economic sanctions against the country, is having on them. 

No. That, also, is 'old news' and 'something that happens to other people.' 

Neither is it about how the more abled governments and international financial institutions are going to work together.  

To help to finance the estimated 100 billion dollars it will cost Iraq to rebuild the destroyed cities, towns and villages. 

Which the West helped the Iraqi government to wrought on the country and its people, in order to rid them of ISIL/Daesh pandemic. No, nothing of such gravity.

Instead, to a large extent, the current media hunt and blood letting in Britain, is the result of an orchestrated attempt to destroy Oxfam and other aid agencies. 

It is being fuelled by reports and allegations that some Oxfam employees having used 'prostitutes' while they were in countries providing aid for them, such as Haiti and Chad. 

Also that some have improperly used the promise of aid to pressure recipients into 'providing' them with  sexual services.There has to be a bigger or hidden agenda behind this controversy. 

Could it be that this is all part of an attempt to take Brexit out of the news, to cool things down a bit and allow the British government to have a respite? 

Or it could even be part of an attempt by the 'anti-foreign aid' brigade to make a case for the United Kingdom to cut its foreign aid budget.

Whatever it is, it does seems to be a rather disproportionate to something which, sadly, is not likely to be a rare event in contemporary society. 

It is also an example of some privileged sections of society can become unduly concerned about their navels, while the rest of the world might be in flames. 

How they can be given to dishonestly and hypocritically magnify the smaller things of concern, while ignoring the bigger and wider picture? 

Clearly, it would make good sense not to seek to protect vulnerable and wronged people by ruthless action which could harm many times those who the outcry is professed to be aiming to protect. 

There are times when it is crucial to be concerned about how things are done, even when what is being done, is, arguably, being done with good intentions, but with too much righteous indignation and emotionalism. The danger of pyrrhic victories again comes to mind.

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