A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
We should never, or try never to be the patient who, as it were, fall into the default position of placing ourselves and, at times our lives, into the hands our physician.
Assuming the position of 'patient', and 'the doctor knows best.'
We should always test out our assumptions. We should always ask any doctor or pharmacist who prescribes us any drugs.
For information about the contra-indicators or side-effects, and to present us with more than one option, both medicinal and non-invasive therapeutical ones.
Neither should we become completely dependent on prescribed medication. Instead, we should always consider whether we have had a similar illness before, and how we had dealt with it.
Including the option of allowing the body time to heal itself, in some appropriate cases, with added self-care.
We should also always scrutinise the information leaflet accompanying the medication, with a view to making a final decision as to whether we want to risk using it.
And we are really taking a serious risk with many prescribed medication.
Especially when, with some of them, 1 in 10 or 1 in 100 users can find themselves with serious side-effects, which might require them to have to be hospitalised, or worse.
And, it we decide to do so, what are the side-effects or contra-indication symptoms which we should be monitoring ourselves for.
Let us be cynical about the pharmaceutical industry. Let us work on the premise that, while it might well have been the case that the scientists who developed the drug, was really motivated by its efficacy potential.
The marketing of the drugs is primarily motivated by its money-making potential, which might lead to the concealment of harmful side-effects, after it has been approved for use by the public.
And let us take our cynicism a step further, as work also on the premise that the medical profession. Through lack of monitoring and/or pressure, implied or overt, from the pharmaceutical industry.
Might not be as open and thorough as they should or could be, in better informing us of the side-effects of the drugs they prescribed to us, or not always as discriminating as they could be, in their prescriptions.
So, let us, as patients, be more aware, more interrogative and vigilant in our interactions with our doctors and pharmacists, in all settings.
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