Monday, 12 February 2018


Many people might not believe or want to admit it, but sex is good for you. 

Good for adults, providing it is consensual, with the participants freely consenting to indulge. Sex does not have to be between married couples, or couples who are cohabiting. 

The operative thing is that it should take place between adults who freely consent to have sex. 

That means that it is alright for a man, or, indeed, a woman, to pay a sex worker or prostitute to have sex with them. 

In some countries it is unlawful for a man to pay a woman to have sex with him. 

But, while the act might be illegal, prohibiting a woman, or, indeed, a man, to freely indulge in sexual acts with another adult, is a denial of the human rights of both.

Sex is, or can be enjoyable, although not all the times and for most or all people. 

If the people engaging in the sexual act are not experienced and/or are tired or stressed, or are not in the mood for having sex, then it can be an anti-climatic and even disappointing event.

Enjoyable as having sex can be to the individuals freely indulging in it can be, having sex, for the human condition, is not the primary focus of the act. 

Having sex is primarily, from the perspective of the preservation of the human species, an act of survival. 

Sex is primarily about keeping our species going, by procreation; having children who grow into adults and repeating the process ad infinitum. Or, until the human species perished.

So, why is there this current tendency demonise sex, to place it back into the cupboard, contain it behind closed doors and between partners? 

Why is there this outcry about charity workers using the services of sex workers? 

If men and women, in the course of their work, be it charitable or paid work, are separated from their partners and  and  are away from their homes for long periods of time. 

And wishes to use the services of sex workers to meet what is a basic and essential function for many, why should it be view with opprobrium? 

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