Friday, 16 March 2018


With my new homogeneous Secretary of State, Pompaeo, we can now get on with the venal, the pernicious and insane business of fucking up America and the rest of the world. 

We can begin to more fully show ourselves to be the Anti-Christ demons which we truly are. 

As we further hijack the Presidency of the United State of America. The same Presidency which Rex Tillerson had been trying to protect, by refusing to resign, and leaving me no option but to fire him.

Yes, we are on our way. Tillerson was our final self-imposed hurdle or obstacle. 

I had made a mistake in hiring him, and it has cost me dearly, but fortunately, it has not been a fatal mistake. I thought he was one of us, he certainly presented himself as been one of us, initially.

But, I guess he later allowed himself to imagine that he was better than us. 

He was still sane, while he saw us for what we really are, a bunch of insane Americans who have the 'audacity' to not only dream of making America great again. 

But who are able to assume the ultimate power in the land and set about doing so.

Yes, not for us the virtual reality of 'Washington Rising.' That we leave for the dreamers. 

We, Team Trump, under my cunning leadership, have achieve the first stage of the real Washington Rising.

Yes, we are now free of the feared and great Rex T, so we will have to make up for lost time in building our 'action team.' 

With the great Pompeii, I mean, Pompaeo, in charge of what passes for my foreign policy. 

With 'Mad Dog' James Mattis, the 'Praying Mantis' in charge of my Defence Department. Nikki Haley, the great terrier come rottweiler  at the United Nations.

Yeah, in the old vernacular, I can say it, I can and I wanna say it out loud. All of you out there, beware, because Trump is now unleashed. I am unchained, and nobody, just nobody is safe anymore. As I go about making America great again!

I promise you, people. From here on, it can only get worse before it will get any better for you!  And, of course I take no responsibility for the destruction, the distress I will inflict upon the world. 

For how can a mad man be held accountable for his actions, when he has been 'democratically' elected President of the United States of America, by an apparently sane electorate and legitimate electoral system?

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