Tuesday, 13 March 2018


This was, of course, only 10 months into the trauma of Kazaliwa and the rest of the family experiencing the painful death of the boy's favourite uncle. 

A man who was also probably the favourite amongst all the family and extended families.

Looking back on the events years later, Mfanyazaki would wonder whether he had been unwise. 

To have regularly taken both Kazaliwa, and, less often, Mzaliwa to visit their Mjomba Maalum.  Knowing that everybody felt his illness was terminal. 

That, however, is not something to which any definitive or accurate answers are likely to be found. 

As you can never really know what would have been the outcome of something which did not take place; except in the torment of ones imagination or mind.

Within a few years, Kazaliwa’s behavioural problems would become worse, with him continuing to get into fights in and outside of school. 

There would be the incident when he would do some serious harm to one of his school friends, resulting in the lad's parent reporting the incident to the Police. 

After all attempts by Kazaliwa to resolve the matter without legal proceedings coming to nought.

Mfanyazaki would still remember him and Nzuri visiting the boy’s parents to apologise to them for Kazaliwa’s deplorable behaviour. 

And also tentatively checking if they would drop the complaint they had made to the police, on their son’s behalf, but a request they refused. 

Looking back, as much as he had wanted to prevent their son becoming drawn into the juvenile justice system.  Mfanyazaki could well understood the boy’s parents refusal to withdraw the complaint. 

He could also remember his feeling of shame, after feeling that the parents’ attitude suggested that they held him and Nzuri responsible for what they saw as Kazaliwa’s alarming violence towards their son.

To be continued!

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