Some of his friends had single parents, and were oftentimes, it appeared, given more freedom or left to get on with doing what they wanted to do.
They would truant from school, and some were into taking drugs. It would not be long before Kazaliwa,
having started at secondary school, would lost his interest in learning and conforming to school life.
His conflict with other pupils would soon, naturally, led to him being disruptive in classes and getting into disputes with his teachers.
And which would eventually resulted in both the teachers his parents becoming extremely frustrated and angry with Kazaliwa’s bad behaviour.
And his persistent failure to take responsibility for his bad behaviour and change it.
Being honest about and taking responsibility for his poor behaviour was always something which Kazaliwa seemed to have been totally incapable of doing.
Being honest about and taking responsibility for his poor behaviour was always something which Kazaliwa seemed to have been totally incapable of doing.
In recalling conflictual incidents, such as those for which he would be given detention or suspension from school.
Kazalwa would always begin his account of what the actions or reactions of 'the other/s.'
He would recount what the other person or persons have done or allegedly done to him.
Rarely, if ever, would he volunteer what he had done, which might or directly led to the other person acting how they had done. And to him retaliating; probably disproportionately.
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