Thursday, 1 March 2018


'The passage of time from ' tyranny to liberation to despotism' is no longer or shorter than the time it takes to transform 'a liberator' into a fallen 'despot.'' 

There can probably no greater obstacle to a country's and nation's advancement, no more damaging event, than for it and them to have fallen into the delusional world of the 'leader.' 

Who is blinded, muted and made imperceptible to reason, by his delusion that what he is doing and not doing, is in the interest of his party and people. 

The leader who tries to blindfold the nation with the tapestry of the now incongruous, shallow rhetoric and vacuous slogans of the ruling political party. 

A leader who is trying to make the people see a reality different from the one which the ruling elite, in this case, Maduro's party and government.  

Have created, but which they want to attribute to the actions of 'the enemies of the revolution.' 

Yes, of course there are enemies of the revolution, however, if a party and a leader put themselves into government, then how can they attempt to negate the responsibility for the failure of their attempt to govern? 

How can they insist on being allowed to continue to govern, when they have lost their credibility?  And there is no guarantee that they can or are willing to make good the damage they have brought upon their country and its people?

Why would President Nicolas Maduro insist on continuing to mislead and to destroy the country? 

When the evidence of his rule, is that it can only result in increasing the destruction of Venezuela and the misery of its people? 

Is it that Maduro hates Venezuelans and Venezuela? Is it really his intention to destroy the country and cause its people such destitution, or is it all an accident? 

Is it that he loves power and the abuse of it, than he aspires to bring prosperity and happiness to Venezuelans and Venezuela?

To be continued!

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