Saturday, 31 March 2018


It is all a matter of context. If you are a rich Russian in Russia, you might perceive your Russian soul somewhat differently than a poor Russian might. 

Considering that the latter might not be at risk of losing him/her wealth; just their honour as a proud Russian. 

If you are a member of the Russian political and economic elite, you might perceive the current rabid 'anti-Russophobia differently from how a 'pro-western Russian activist' might be perceiving it. 

Seeing that, while you might be at risk of having the America-led West impose political and economic sanctions against you.  

The 'pro-western  activist' stands to lose his liberty, by being declared 'an enemy of the State' and a spy or possible tool of the Russophobes.

It is probably about right, to conclude that, all Russians who love their country, including those who are not supporters of their government and/or the Russian President. 

Will be feeling a sense of concern about what is happening at present. 

If the West wants to make war against Russia and the Russians, then this is how they would be expected to go about it. 

By intensifying the propaganda onslaught. By increasing the intensity of the 'demonization' of Russia's President and government. 

By declaring how 'rotten' the Russian government is, and how it is not possible to 'doing business with it as normal'. 

How it needs to be 'reformed', apparently to make it 'ours.' 'Decent', 'democratic', 'civilised', and, if not, how 'regime change' might be the only option.

And so it is that, Russia, as it is currently constituted and perceived by the West, by the United States and European governments, is not 'consistent with Western values, notion of 'democracy' and 'civilisation.' 

To be continued!

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