By appealing to racism, religious bigotry, anti-immigrant and immigration sentiments and vacuous nationalism within its population.
A nation or government, probably, which has contented itself with being the putative keeper of the relics of European Christianity and civilisation.
But which is very much an anachronism in when compared with 21st Century socio-political enlightenment.
A situation which, paradoxically, is somewhat similar to that of Saudi Arabia, the keeper of Islam's most coveted relic, the Kaaba.
And so it is that Viktor Orban and the Orbanites of
Hungary and other like-minded nations in Eastern Europe.
Are the vanguard of the forces of darkness, of a backward looking vision for Europe and Christianity.
And not the promoters of the enlightened vision which is required to promote greater coexistence and cooperation between the peoples of the world.
In working towards 'all world solutions', and not just for solutions to 'Europe's problems.'
While putting up 'no trespass ' signs on their newly erected border wall, and turning their backs on desperate and despairing migrants and aspiring immigrants.
It is a sad state of affairs for Hungary and Hungarians, that their government should be betraying the outward looking legacy of their ancestors.
By taking the backward, racist and insulationist approach towards foreign and domestic policies, which it is pursuing.
A policy which speaks of nationalistic fascism, of bigotry and 'racial purity', and of the malignancy of the conditions which gave birth to monsters like Hitler.
How paradoxical is it, that the purportedly 'glorious Christianity and western civilisation' which Viktor Orban and the Orbanites of Europe, should have given birth to men such as Hitler and Viktor Orban?
So,what could be the moral of this apparent paradox? Could it be that, Christianity and western civilisation are capable of producing 'monsters.'
Just as how the perceptual 'non-Christian and other civilisations' are capable of producing men and women of exceptional enlightenment?
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