Sunday, 18 March 2018


It is given to us humans to display heightened vulnerability at both extreme of our life-span or lifetime. 

The human young, indeed, probably like most young living organism, is at their most vulnerable at the point of their birth and their infancy. 

Not only are they most susceptible to illnesses and diseases, but they are unable to fend for themselves, and are at risk of perishing, without the availability of a competent person to protect and nurture them. 

Similarly, the elderly and sick or infirm of the human species is also at serious risk of perishing.  

Once they become unable to fend and care for themselves, for reasons of serious mental and/or physical infirmity.

And so it is, that at, at their coming into the world of the living, and as they approach the departure from the world of the living, the human species is in deed of a great deal of support and care from others. 

In order to provide appropriate care and support for them. The care and support needs of us humans who are in such situations, can be very demanding as we approach the final few years of departing from the world. 

Normally, we have to look to our partners, and/or other relatives. When this becomes too much of a burden, families will find themselves turning to the local authority.  

With a view to buying in additional care services to enable their loved ones to be cared for in their own homes.

However, when the needs of us increasingly vulnerable  humans become so great, that it is no longer viable for them to be met at home. 

It becomes necessary for us to be placed in a care and/or nursing home.  Where we can be expected to spend our final few months or years amongst the living. 

Now, the thought of being placed in a nursing and/or care home, is something which many of us will contemplate with dread and fear.

To be continued!

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