Monday, 26 March 2018


As we can witness from watching a person being born and living to an advanced age. 

As we can ascertain from watching the time induced chemical changes in between different chemicals being combined.

But, let us leave physics and scientific exploration, and remain with philosophy.

And then, there are the times when time can passes by so so slowly, such as when we are counting down the days to doing something exciting. 

Such as performing at an event, putting on a show, going on holiday, celebrating Christmas, or a carnival, or some other religious festival. 

And how slowly the time can crawls by, when we are feeling or boring ourselves.  

Because we find ourselves doing something which we have no interest in doing.  

Whether we are doing it voluntarily or because we have to do it. Of course, such times could include the proverbial 'doing nothin.'

But there are other times when time is of seemingly even greater importance to us. 

Such as in its relationship between life and death. There is that time which a child, a foetus, a baby spends in its mother's tummy.  

In a watery world which is a microcosm of the external or outer-world into which it will be born, after the time or period of its gestation. 

Then there would be the time when the baby would be forced out of her womb, screaming at having to leave its security. 

To be continued!

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