Friday, 30 March 2018


That the day on which the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the purported Son of God, according to the Christian faith, was put to death on the Cross.  

Should come to be called 'Good Friday', is a testament to the mystery and paradoxical nature of Christianity. 

For how, you might think, can it be that a day which robbed Christians of their 'Redeemer', should be described as a 'good day.'? 

At least, that is what you might think, until you realise what the Christian Gospels have to say about Jesus Christ having to die, in order for the gospel to be fulfilled. 

In other words, Jesus Christ was fated, prophesied to be killed in the manner in which he was crucified and on the said day.

So, in a rather paradoxical way, we can really interpret the Crucifixion of Christ as a 'good' thing, in that it was what was required for the will of the Christian God to be done, or fulfilled.

Of course, the evolution of the word 'good', also saw it being interpreted to mean 'holy', 'pious', etc. 

But this is just one of the apparent paradox of the Christian gospel, or faith. The fact that 'good' should require apparently 'bad deeds' to bring it to past. 

From the Crucifixion of Christ we can take it that none of the governing administrators, or soldiers who took part in what might have been perceived by the faithful as a 'glorious affair.' 

Should be perceived as having done anything wrong or evil, as it were, since they were only carrying out the will of the Christian God.

The same goes for Judas Iscariot and his actions in identifying Christ to the arresting soldiers. 

Judas, far from being perceived as 'the betrayer of Christ', should, instead, be perceived as a faithful and loyal follower of Christ. A man who did what the Gospel required or demanded of him. 

To be continued!

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