Thursday, 1 March 2018


So, if it seems that I am somewhat besotted or even obsess with the struggle of the Brexiteers, to achieve their 'Brexitopian' dream.  

It is probably because I am convinced that the achievement of a more peaceful and economically equitable world, does not lie in the greater dissolution of regional organizations. 

But in the strengthening of the best of those which exists already, and in the creation of new ones, where none exists.

Which is why it is so baffling when Brexiteers, including the British politicians, some of them reluctantly so.  

Who are tasked with achieving the best Brexit package they can extract from the other 27 member countries of the European Union.  

Persistently make statements and pronouncements about how, in effect, they still want Britain to be, as it were, 'the best friend of the European Union.' 

How they want to work closely with the European Union, as if they can work more closely with it, by leaving it, as opposed to remaining within it.

For Brexitopian Britain to have its own 'special relationship with the European Union', like it has or had with the United States of America. 

Even though the pre-Brexitopian relationship with the EU could not have been more 'special', as it entailed Britain being a member of it, being one of its more powerful member. 

Even if, in its wisdom, the wisdom which is based on the legitimacy of the 52 per cent of the British electorate who voted to leave the EU. 

The Brexitopian perceived wisdom which stipulates that the European Union, as it has done in the case of the other 27 membership countries, robbed Britain of too much of her sovereignty. 

That it has placed unreasonable and/or too much restrictions on Britain's sovereign right to make her own laws and regulations, and implement them as she sees fit. 

That Britain, if you will, could do better and make a bigger splash, economically and politically, by leaving the constricted environment of the European Union, and go her own way.

To be continued!

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