Sunday, 4 March 2018


How can it be that, daily or weekly, ministers, priest and other members of all religious clergies, be they Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, et al.  

Solemnly preach their sermons to their followers and bow their heads to their imaginary gods,. 

Without being required to provide any evidence of truthfulness, the accuracy of what they are claiming for their religions and for their god?

And so it seems to me, that it is more than time for the Gods to made accountable to us humans for what is being claimed on their behalf. 

That, if, as is probably the case, the Gods cannot be held accountable, and be required to be transparent in their relationship with us humans. 

For no other reason than probably most of us are aware, namely that there are no sentient gods, except for us humans. 

Then, should we not be demanding more accountability and transparency from the all religious establishments and their clergy? 

That we demand that they prove the veracity of what they are preaching and claiming of their gods. That religions are not all about false prophets believing and/or preaching false doctrines about fictitious gods.

After all, considering the history and present state of religion and theism. There seems to be very little, if any indication, that either the clergy or their gods, could endure the examination of both scientific enquiry and/or common logic.  

And come out of it with anything, except fear of 'the unknown', as the main reason to justify the continuation of their beliefs and rituals, in their historical and unreformed orthodoxy.

If such an enquiry were to be conducted honestly and with scientific thoroughness.  

Then, it is highly probable that, one of its conclusion would be that, there are no sentient gods, except humans, ruling over or having dominance over other humans. 

And that religious beliefs which are based on such false and deceptive foundations, should be reformed, to reflex this fact.

However, for now, applying logic and scientific scrutiny to religions which are based on sentient gods, is not something which is finding a spirit of receptiveness in the dogma ridden wilderness of the believers. 

They are unable to become transparent and accountable in their religious affairs, because it is based on falsehood.

They are neither likely to be willing nor able, it seems, to accept the evidence of experiential enquiry, as it would compel them to accept, also, the 'non-exceptionalism' of humans. 

To accept the fact that our purpose on the earth, except for the chance occurrence of our evolution, is no more than what we make of it. 

And a reminder that we should endeavour to live it enjoyably and to enable others to do so.

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