Wednesday, 14 March 2018


But greater circumspection is needed from the public, to enable them to differentiate between what is a 'political issue', and what is a basic 'human rights' issue, and when the two might be overlapped.

What is needs to be and remain strong and durable. And that is the difference between China's President Xi Jingping, and his western detractors. 

It is the difference between ordinary people and a great leader!

It is the difference between Western model of government and the Chinese model of government, both of which have evolved out of the respective history and culture of the two regions. 

With the Chinese model having been informed by thousands of years of Chinese history of governing what has become China. 

And the Western model having evolved out of a few hundred years of western political and social enlightenment. 

With the Chinese model having also been informed with probably thousands of years of Chinese civilisation, jurisprudence and wisdom. 

And the Western model having an excess abundance of arrogance, and the presumption that it is better and superior to the Chinese model. 

A presumption and assumption which has led to its architects, advocates, and enforcers, indulging in an excessive amount of misconceptions about its 'one model fits all societies, peoples and cultures, at all times' approach. 

A misconception which could prove to be the inherent contradiction which will or might bring about its obsolescence and eventual downfall.

Fortunately, the Chinese, the majority of them, are not going to be dissuade by the automatic and consistent refrain from the self-appointed 'guardians of the West's failing democratic model.' 

And why should they, when they are have been making such massive progress in the economic progress of their people, and have the social and political stability which should sustain it. 

While promoting positive changes in other aspects of their living. 

After all, is not ones and others economic well-being which is the driver of most of ones toil and effort in life?

Considering the advancement of China and the Chinese people, and the mutual assistance which they have given to the people of many countries around the world, under the leadership of Xi Jingping. 

The advantages of him not having his leadership of the country restricted by arbitrary restriction of his terms of office, greatly outweighs the disadvantages.

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