Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Considering that there is no evidence that 'God' has ever given  any human or humans 'a sign', never mind 'an unambiguous sign.' 

The most likely reason why this has apparently never happened, is, many would argue, is because, well, simply this, that there is no sentient 'god.' 

'God' does not exists, so how could he show anybody 'a sign', an unambiguous one or not?  And what might 'God' have to do to give Oprah a 'clear sign? 

Showing himself as he tells Oprah to run or not to run for the position of the President of the United States of America, would clearly be the most transparent way God could choose. 

Of course, that is probably unlikely to happen, since 'God' has never been know to show himself to humans.  Which is why  none has reported seen him, at any point in our evolutionary journey so far. 

But Oprah might be the 'special or chosen one', and thinks that 'God' will listen to her plea, even though he has not listened to that of all others.

And yet, 'wishing' and 'dreaming' is one thing, reality is another. Which is why Oprah is very unlikely to have her 'clear sign' from 'God.' 

As 'God' has never been know to operate in such a transparent manner, and is unlikely to change the modus operandi of billions of years. 

Something which might lead some people, the believers especially, to wonder whether Oprah's request for 'a clear sign', might not lead her to discount any but the most unambiguous of signs from 'God.' 

Of course, if 'God' were to unambiguously tell Oprah to run for the Presidency of the United States of American, what could be some of the implications of such an 'endorsement'? 

Would it make her 'the God candidate'? Would her party or movement be called 'the Party or Movement of God'? 

Would it give her an unfair advantage in the election? Would all the religious believers have to vote for her, as not doing so might or would be considered 'blasphemous', and be punishable by 'God'?

And what could be the implication for 'God'? Could he be accused of having 'interfered' in the election process of the United States, and be made the subject of a Senate investigation? 

Might Oprah Winfrey not also be accused of working with a 'foreign power' to undermine her country's 'democratic process'?

And all of this, being the implications of Oprah's request for an unambiguous sign from 'God.'

So, what might be the moral of this? Simply this. If you want to do something which you think will be beneficial for humans, then, go ahead and do it, and seek not the permission of the imaginary gods. 

Who are not only invisible, deaf, muted and impervious to the logic of us humans, but simply do not have either the inclination nor power to intervene in our affairs.

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