And, as you look around you today, on this day which has been decreed to be Women's Day, the chances are that you will find that it is really not so.
The evidence of your eyes, your ears and other senses will tell you that, today, like all the other days, are really Men's Day.
It is the men who are in charge today, like they are on the other days.
It was a man who, purportedly acting on behalf of country's machoistic religion and culture and apparently male god, who condemned that and other courageous Iranian woman to imprisonment.
For no other 'crime' than to have the audacity and courage to dared to literally show her face in public.
To do so, when, the version of Islamic law which Iran is still attached to, decrees that women, females, should remain faceless in public; unlike men.
And, does Women's Day mean that no young girls will be ritualistically raped and tortured with female genital mutilation Today?
Or that women will not continue to be denied their right to making decisions about their bodies, about abortion, about being allowed to play an equal role in society?
Does it mean that women will not have to suffer the violence of men, in harming and killing them. And the oppression of some countries in unjustly criminalising them with laws based on chattelry and religious dogma?
What will the statistics tell us about how women fared on March 8th 2018?
Will it tell us that there was a drastic or significant decrease in acts of violence, abuse, exploitation and state orchestrated injustices.
Against women and females, especially in the more notorious countries, such as Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, many countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa?
Of course not. So, how does International Women's Day benefit the majority of women?
Those for whom a bunch of flowers, a fine bottle of wine or champagne, and probably a box of exquisite chocolate, are not on offer, or would simple not do it?
For the majority of women for whom International Women's Day is no different from other days, except that it is given coverage in the media, as being such a day?
This is, of course, not surprising, since the struggle of women, in particular, and society in general.
To free women from the almost, and, in some cases, such as in orthodox Islamic and Catholic countries, legitimised and legal suppression and oppression women and females. Has to be acknowledged and fought on a 365 days a year basis.
Appearing to be 'giving Women a day for themselves', is really not much more than a tokenistic and patronising nod from male dominated societies.
While the continue to figuratively and/or literally keep their feet on the necks and realisation of female's aspirations for the other 365 days a year!
Pressuring the Iranian Government to stop fearing women who refuse to wear the hijab, and free those whom it has incarcerated for doing so, would be a great success for 'International Women's Day.'
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