Sunday, 18 March 2018


'And now, Act 11 comes to an end, being pretty much as was expected, we await Act 111, knowing some of the options, but not knowing for sure, what the scenes will be, except that they are probably "overwhelmingly very likely" to be more destructive folly.'

Is it not conceivable  that the Russian State could decide to inflict grave harm on Sergie Skripal, and, intentionally or otherwise, on his daughter? 

Well, yes, you could reasonably conclude. But then, you would also want to ask: Why? 

Why commit such a crime, when the man was part of a spy swap, and, for all intents and purposes, now just an 'ordinary' and probably dejected British citizen of ill-repute?

What could the Russian government expect to gain from carrying out such a perfidious crime, and to perpetrate it at this particular time? 

What objective could it achieve for the Russian government? Would it be to 'spite and take the proverbial 'piss out of the British'? 

But, that was the intention; would it not, as we have seen so far, at such a high cost as to make it a 'pyrrhic victory'? 

Would it not have been an infantilistic act by the Russian government?  

Would it be a case of the Russian government taking an action which it knows is so illogical, that 'nobody would believe that it would do something crazy and pointless?  

That it would gamble on doing something which, with or without the evidence that it has done it.  

Would inevitably lead to the imposition of significant sanctions and opprobrium on its?

It really is the case that ordinary people should never trust governments, either that of their own country or of other countries. 

And should take a critical approach towards weighing and analysing both what they admit to doing, and that which they deny doing. 

To be continued!

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