The tragic case of the Skripal Incident has provided the West with a 'stick with which to beat' Russia.
Even though we do not yet know whether this 'stick' is really one which the Russian State has crafted, or whether it is one which has been contrived by other governments or forces, probably known to the non-public initiated.
What we do know, is that it is a convenient 'stick', and one which Russia's detractors relish using to beat the Russians for past, present and excepted future misdemeanours. Real and contrived.
We have seen, so far, Acts 1, 11, 111 and 1V, and now we await Act V, from the Americans, and, possibly, their EU and Nato partners.
Act 1V was a well orchestrated response from the Americans and the Europeans.
They had resolved to hit the Russians and to hit them hard. Which they did.
Even though it is inconceivable that they would have failed to recognise that, in taking the concerted action which they have taken against the Russians.
They would have left the latter with no other option but to hit back just as hard, if not harder. It is improbably that the Russians could have done anything else.
So, where does that leaves or takes this insane 'diplomatic war' between the Russians and the Americans and their European partners?
Yes, pretty much up the creek, up against the wall of a dead end route. Which begs the question: Is this what the West really wants, and, if so, to what purpose?
Act V could probably be the most crucial Act, since it is the Act which allows the Americans, and their European partners, the opportunity to display some or more prudence in this mutually destructive 'diplomatic war.'
Or to up the anti even more, and bring it to new depths of insanity. If they resort to continuing demand 'pound for pound, for good - some would say, for bad - measure', then, who knows where it might all end?
After all, is this not a version of the 'Chicken Game' which American and Russian submarines reportedly used to play against each other, during the bad old days of the former Soviet Union?
And, is it not to those bad old days that both protagonists and their European allies are now taking the world back to; 'back to the past'?
Sure is, if the Russian Federation and the Western alliance continue along this slippery and dangerous path.
It is so easy to withdraw diplomats, but it can be so difficult to summon up the courage to take the positive steps, which are needed to check and retreat from actions which are meant to 'punish', to 'shame' and 'demonise' your competitor.
So, let us see what the Americans and the West is going to do. whether they are going to make a bad situation worse, or begin to act in a manner which is conducive towards a rapprochement with the Russian Federation.
What we can probably take for granted, is that, if their action is aimed at 'punishing' the Russian Federation further, it is going to elicit a more destructive response from the latter, in Act V1.
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