Monday, 2 April 2018


Such is the relationship between the forces of the occupied and oppressed, and their occupiers and oppressors, that the common currency between them is that of fear and hatred of each other.

For the oppressed people, their oppressors, whether they are the armed wings which defend the occupied realm and forcefully subdue and instil fear in the hearts of the occupied. 

Or the 'civilians'  on whose behalf the occupation takes place. They are all to be feared and despised in equal measures

Since, in the right circumstances, the one, the members of the occupier, or the 'innocent civilians', will become interchangeable.

Similarly, for the forces of the occupation, the forces of the oppressed, the occupied people, both civilian and armed combatants, are perceived with the same distrust and suspicion. 

There is, to a large measure, no differentiation between how the forces of the occupation see them. 

The armed liberation fighters and the most influential political leaders amongst the occupied people, represent, according to the priorities of the forces of the occupation, an imminent danger which must be gotten rid of as soon as possible. 

But the perceived threat of the 'civilian' member of the oppressed and subjugated people, in the strategic vision and plans of the oppressor. 

still be dealt with, even with the same ruthlessly and overwhelming violence and brutality which is meted out to the 'armed liberation fighter.' 

Since today's 'civilian' is fated to become tomorrow's armed 'liberation fighter.' 

Which is why the forces of the oppressors will seek to drive the 'fear of god' into their hearts, in their attempt to break their morale, their will to oppose their oppressors and the occupation. 

Or simply to kill and displace as many of them as it can, so as to deplete the pool from which the soldiers of oppressed are to be recruited.

To be continued!

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