Sunday, 22 April 2018


For the faithful, more so for their religious leaders, God is this perfect all powerful deity.  

Although a God who, judging from the proliferation of wars, injustice and unhappiness which is afflicting the world, and the humans who are trying to live in it.  

Is showing a marked disinterest in the misery, the desperation and tragic plight of humans.

And, just as how it is remarkable that a purportedly sentient and definitely personified God should be showing such disinterest in the well-being of his purported creation, his people. 

So is it remarkable that the religious leaders should be seemingly even more disinterested in seeking answers from their God. 

Should not be asking their congregation to try to find God and enter into some kind of conversation with him, in order to ascertain the reason for his neglect of his people.

The more discerning amongst us might be thinking. Why are the faithful and their religious leaders being so damn obsequious and, like their God, being silent.  

When their God is so noticeable in his absence at a time and times of greatest need for his intervention? 

Would they have shown such complacency if the governments of the countries in which they live, were not responding to this and that disasters which are afflicting them? 

Would they be making the same old and ritualistic excuses for their governments failure to act?

With their God being purportedly so powerful, how much more effective and timely would or should be his intervention? 

Had he not chosen to show himself to be so powerless to intervene? Is this failure to act, not because the only power their God has, is that which is collectively attributed to him by people who want to, who believe in and who need God? 

Aided and abetted by a Clergy which has a vested interest in perpetuating the myth of a 'sentient God.' 

After thousands of years of indoctrination and coercion, people are failing or refusing to accept that it is only they, us humans, who have the responsibility and power to transform their lives, their realities, and that it is they who are, in fact, 'God.' 

It is they, us, who have the power and to whom the glory belongs, if they, we, choose to use their power for the common and greater good.

And that there is no other sentient  'God' than humans. This, then, is what the Clergy of all theistic religions should be teaching 'their flock', and not the dishonesty and deceitfulness of the doctrines and gospels they are submitting themselves to. 

If humans need to have a religion or religions, then, it is better that it should be human-centred ones, and not religious which place a mythical and nebulous  'God' somewhere out there, in the multiverses.

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