The days or epoch when one country could make war on another country without a declaration from the United Nations, had long gone.
Now we are in the epoch when, all the powerful nations which wants to make war on or "punish" other nations for not doing what they have been told to do or not do.
Is the military means and meetings and agreement between the 'coalition of the willing and/or coerced.'
And so it is, that when the American government says, "we have the right" to take action against Syria. The question has to be asked:
Who gave you that right, and on whose behalf do you intend to exercise it, and to what benefit? Is it a right which you could successfully defend in an international court of justice?
After all, the principles and exercise of justice, would require that the people of Syrian should benefit from the exercise of justice.
And not be left in a worse state than that preceding the application of 'justice' or/or 'the punishment' of the alleged perpetrator. As it has done in Libya.
In this sense, true justice is like the principle which should be followed in imposing sensible taxation. Which is that, if it is going to cost more than the income to be derived from it, then it is better not to apply it.
But, of course this is not about 'justice'; it is all about 'punishment' and furthering the interests of Britain, France and the United States of America.
It is all about responding to the emotional torrent which has been orchestrated by the White Helmets and their supporters in the United States.
It is all about the pseudo-humanity and real deception of Macron, May and the American Government.
It is about national leaders who have either lost or never have the capacity to lead their countries and promote the leadership of the world, prudently.
They have allowed themselves to lose sight of the bigger picture, the wider perspective.
And, in so doing, they placed the world which they presume to be leader, in a more dangerous place than it has been in for probably 50 or more years ago.
It is important for Russia, Syria and their allies in the Middle East to stand up to the 'Three Errant Musketeers', who are without a just cause.
And that they do so militarily, as well as diplomatically, if the world is not to become inextricably entrenched in the European/American colonial vortex in which it currently is.
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