Saturday, 7 April 2018


'Because a premis or practice might have, or have no merits in the past, it does not mean that that is still the case in the present. 

Prudence demands that our hypotheses, our beliefs and our worldviews should be constantly being reviewed and amended or replaced.  

So as ensure that they are, or are still fit for purpose. That they are efficient and effective.'

So, what might be the answer given by the families of those young and old victims of knife and gun attacks, on Britain's streets, if one were to ask them the question. 

Would you be opposed to the Police stopping your or other people's relatives and searching them for knifes and guns, in certain situations. 

If such action might have resulted in the lessening of violent attacks and people falling victims to them?

Yes, it is the case that street violence in Britain is not at the level it has reached in some other countries. 

But it would be a foolish and probably ignorant person who would see this as a cause for celebration and to argue against  taking effective action to roll back the level of violence, before it advances to higher levels. 

Street violence and crime are malignancies; they get worse and not better with the passing of time. 

At least, not unless that time is used effectively to eradicate them, or lessen their impact on the fabric and  dynamics of people's personal lives and on society. 

Street violence and crime becomes part of the politics, the economics and the social and cultural construct of society, given enough time. 

In the case of Britain, there is the political and social debate of whether it is right or just, for the police to stop and search people going about their normal business.  

Unless the police has some clearly established reason for doing so. 

Such as evidence of indication of some kind, that that individual or group of individuals intend to commission a crime. 

To be continued!

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